The Formators’ Meeting


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Every three years, all of our priests from the Province would gather together to have the meeting for the plan of formation.

Our Constitution is clearly stated why we pay much effort on the formation – “We want to form the members of our Institute in great human and Christian maturity so that they reach the extent of the full stature of Christ (Eph 4:13).They should manifest with their works that they have God in their hearts because every tree is known by its own fruit (Lk 6:44), and faith without works is dead (Jas 2:17).” [Constitution #195]


From 16th to 18th of June, all of the Priest, from Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Philippines were here in our new constructed Seminary to have the 3-day long of meeting with the Provincial Superior, pastor of different parishes and the superior of the houses of formation. The meeting not only covered in the area of formation, but also the aspect of apostolate, pastoral and other is linked with our Charism and work in our province.

After the meeting was done, all our Priests are going back to their working place to fulfill what they had discussed throughout the meeting. Three years later, they are going to report what they had finished within these years. By God’s grace, every Priest will do their best to maximize the glory of God.


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