“Education is the key of life” – Servants in Tanzania


Table of Contents

“Education is the key of life” – said the first president of Tanzania, Julius Nyerere. We want to share with you with wonder and joy the first six months of activities in our kindergarten: “Stella Matutina”.

Do not fail to see the hand of Providence in all the events, big and small and above all, the astonishing progress of both students and parents.
Why are the parents involved now? It is obvious that a dad is concerned with the education of his child in countries with normal or high literacy level; however, it is not obvious in countries where the literacy level is low and so now this is an issue that touches us closely. Most of the parents of Ushetu have not finished primary school, but on the last day of classes they come to celebrate with their children because they are united with us by a common intention and that is to make Ushetu a better society, allowing their children to be educated in our little kindergarten.
We check daily when a child is stimulated which gives the possibility that this child will be able to take giant steps amongst themselves.
The children, in the beginning, only spoke the dialect of the tribe. Now they can communicate in the official language, which is, Swahili, respond promptly to the bell, greet the sisters and elders with respect and affection, and sing the anthem of his country and are able to distinguish the colors of their flag. In short, the children who are the future of Ushetu.
Finally, the most awaited moment: the awarding of the students, emphasize different virtues and small effort for wanting to learn. We thank all of you because we know that you have accompanied us on this project with your prayers and material help.

From: http://www.ssvmonlus.org

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