Photos And Videos Of The Week: December 23, 2024


Table of Contents

Ukraine - Christmas Retreat for Moms in Odessa

Ukraine - Christmas Retreat for Moms in Odessa

Ukraine - Christmas Retreat for Moms in Odessa

Ukraine - Christmas Retreat for Moms in Odessa

Tanzania - First Communions

Tanzania - First Communions

Tanzania - First Communions

Tanzania - First Communions

Tanzania - First Communions

Tanzania - First Communions

Tanzania - First Communions

Tanzania - First Communions

Tanzania - Taking the Baby Jesus from house to house for the Christmas Novena

Tanzania - Taking the Baby Jesus from house to house for the Christmas Novena

Tanzania - Taking the Baby Jesus from house to house for the Christmas Novena

Tanzania - Taking the Baby Jesus from house to house for the Christmas Novena

Tanzania - First Communions

Tanzania - First Communions

Peru - Theatrical performance at John Paul the Great School

Peru - Theatrical performance at John Paul the Great School

Peru - Visit of Monsignor Miguel Angel Cadenas Cardo to the Girls' House of Mercy

Peru - Visit of Monsignor Miguel Angel Cadenas Cardo to the Girls' House of Mercy

Macau - Sister Maria Mae da Igreja obtains her Master's Degree

Macau - Sister Maria Mae da Igreja obtains her Master's Degree

Italy - Visit of Bishop Teodoro Matsapula to the International Juniorate

Italy - Visit of Bishop Teodoro Matsapula to the International Juniorate

Iceland - Living Nativity Scene

Iceland - Living Nativity Scene

Netherlands - Consecration to Mary at the Marian Sanctuary of Heiloo

Netherlands - Consecration to Mary at the Marian Sanctuary of Heiloo

France - 40 adults make their Consecration to Mary at the Cathedral of Luçon

France - 40 adults make their Consecration to Mary at the Cathedral of Luçon

Chile - Outing with the elderly residents of Our Lady of Fatima Center

Chile - Outing with the elderly residents of Our Lady of Fatima Center

Chile - First Communions at Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish

Chile - First Communions at Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish

Chile - First Communions at Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish

Chile - First Communions at Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish

Chile - Procession for the Immaculate Conception

Chile - Procession for the Immaculate Conception

Brazil - Popular Mission in Belen do Para

Brazil - Popular Mission in Belen do Para

Brazil - Popular Mission in Belen do Para

Brazil - Popular Mission in Belen do Para

Brazil - Studying the Directories at the Novitiate

Brazil - Studying the Directories at the Novitiate

Bethlehem - Activities at the Nino Dios House of Mercy

Bethlehem - Activities at the Nino Dios House of Mercy

Argentina - Volunteers praying for the sick at Schestakow Hospital

Argentina - Volunteers praying for the sick at Schestakow Hospital

Argentina - Consecration to Mary at the Sbarra Hospital

Argentina - Consecration to Mary at the Sbarra Hospital

Argentina - Mini-Mission with several consecrated persons in the Archdiocese of La Plata

Argentina - Mini-Mission with several consecrated persons in the Archdiocese of La Plata

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