Ukraine- Living nativity scene in Odessa.

Ukraine- Christmas Eve charity dinner in Odessa.

Ukraine- Opening of Jubilee 2025 in Odessa.

Ukraine- Opening of Jubilee 2025 in Odessa.

Tanzania- Holy Christmas Mass in Ushetu.

Tanzania- Living Nativity Scene in Ushetu.

Tanzania- Celebrating Christmas with the Apostolic Community and the House of Formation.

Tanzania- Girls' Camp in Ushetu.

Tanzania- Girls' Camp in Ushetu.

Tanzania- Girls' Camp in Ushetu.

Taiwan- New Year's Holy Mass in Christ the King Parish.

Taiwan- Come and See at Our Lady of Sheshan Monastery.

Taiwan- First Communions for the Feast of the Holy Family.

Paraguay- Living Nativity Scene and Christmas Concert.

Paraguay- Living Nativity Scene and Christmas Concert.

Papua New Guinea- Community gathering in Indonesia.

Iceland- Holy Christmas Mass.

Italy - Dressing the Baby Jesus in the Casa Procura.

Italy- Christmas Concert at the Monastery of Genoa.

Italy- Spiritual Exercises in Turin.

Italy- Dressing the Baby Jesus at Casa Procura.

Macau- Christmas Apostolate with girls.

Hong Kong- Celebrating Christmas with the Third Order.

Mexico- Christmas in the Priests' Residence.

Iceland- New Year's Eve Holy Mass in the San Jose Parish.

Iceland- Outing with the Young People.

Holland- Living nativity at the Heiloo Sanctuary.

Guyana- Visiting the homes of the faithful for Christmas.

Guyana- Visiting the homes of the faithful for Christmas.

Guyana- Living Nativity Scene in the Parish.

Guyana- Christmas in the Parish.

France- Community gathering in Lucon.

United States- Living Nativity Scene in Alaska.

Argentina- Christmas Apostolate in General Alvear.

Argentina- Celebrating the Holy Innocents, march for life in Santa Fe.

Argentina- Consecration to the Virgin at the Sbarra Hospital in La Plata.

Argentina- Enthronement of a Painting of Saint Mama Antula at the Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe.

Argentina- Christmas Mass at Hogar Divina Providencia, San Rafael.

Argentina- Christmas Mass at Hogar Divina Providencia, San Rafael.

Argentina- Living nativity at the Rosario Geriatric Hospital.

Argentina- Visit with the Child Jesus at the Cullen Hospital in Santa Fe.

Brazil- End of the Year Celebration in the Formation houses.

Brazil- New Year's Eve Holy Mass.

Brazil- Christmas with the Contemplative and Apostolic Novices.

Brazil- Christmas with the Contemplative and Apostolic Novices.

Brazil- Pilgrimage of Superiors to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida.

Brazil- Reception of the Holy Cross.

Brazil- Mountain outing with the faithful of the Parish of San Jose.

Brazil-Departure to the Mountain with the faithful of the Parish of San Jose.

Chile - Holy Mass during the Girls' Camp.

Chile- Girls' camp.

Chile- Living nativity scene, with the catechism children, in the Jesus el Buen Pastor Parish.

Chile- Holy Christmas Mass at the Sacred Heart Home.

United States- Celebrating Christmas with the Third Order in New York.

United States- Living Nativity Scene in Philadelphia.

United States- Living Nativity Scene in Massachusetts.

Philippines- Celebrating Christmas with the benefactors of the Student Body.

Philippines- Celebrating Christmas with the benefactors of the Student Body.

France- Opening of the Jubilee in the Parish of Luc and Cannet.